Treatment Options

It’s almost an oxymoron to be a Specialist as a Naturopathic Physician, not only do I look at the whole picture of each individual, I received training in a wide variety of modalities including Botanical Medicine, Counseling, Constitutional Homeopathy,  Nutritional Therapy, and Physical Medicine (including chiropractic techniques). These modalities were taught at Bastyr University in addition to the foundational aspects of allopathic diagnosis and treatment including, anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, medical procedures and minor surgery. With such a wide exposure to so many methods for treatment, it can be difficult to claim a specialty and indeed how I see medicine now is much simpler: decrease inflammation, increase circulation and balance the mind. Those are really the three aspects of healing that I help patients address in their journey to better health. In order to know how to best assist you in attaining these goals I prioritize listening to you, the patient and the authority in your unique healing process. I endeavor to understand each patient as the unique person they are and that is why I pursued additional training in the specialties of Allergy Elimination (NAET) a non-invasive therapeutic process that summons the healing resources of the body to regain balance in the immune system; Craniosacral therapy a gentle hands on method for relieving musculoskeletal tension and imparting more balance in the subtle energy of the body and mind; Constitutional Homeopathy in the Sensation method of using very dilute substances that match the unique patterns of an individual and allows the art of like cures like to rebalance and strengthen the vital force of the body; Hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to help patients find their center and reset the “autopilot” power of their subconscious minds in a direction that is more wholly suited to where they want to make progress.

And, yet the variety of each individual with even the same condition is what keeps me learning and loving what I do. If you are interested in being cared for by a physician who sees  the unique individual you are, you can schedule here with Dr. Lisa or you can search the NAET website, the WANP and AANP sites for a Naturopathic Physician near you.